Extinction News

48 stories

Frog ‘saunas’ may help threatened frogs fight off deadly fungus

Elon Musk could avert global species extinction with only a portion of his wealth

Haunting song pays tribute to Toughie, the frog whose extinction went unnoticed

Colombia adds hundreds of species to list of threatened flora and fauna

Concern for Mexico’s vaquita as totoaba swim bladder trafficking surges online

Gone before we know them? Kew’s ‘State of the World’s Plants and Fungi’ report warns of extinctions

Frogs in the pot: Two in five amphibian species at risk amid climate crisis

Ken Burns discusses heartbreak & hope of ‘The American Buffalo,’ his new documentary

Off Mexico’s coast, world’s largest limpet is slipping into extinction

Population cycles explain white-lipped peccary’s ups and downs, study shows

Heat-sensing drone cameras spy threats to sea turtle nests

As animals vanish, the plants they spread can’t keep pace with climate change

Half-Earth, conservation, and hope: An interview with E.O. Wilson, Paula Ehrlich and Sir Tim Smit    

Advocates call for a new human rights-based approach to conservation

Rare pygmy chameleon, lost to science, found in dwindling Malawi forest

U.N. declares decade of ecosystem restoration to ‘make peace with nature’

Lean times leave orangutans wasting away. Habitat loss makes things worse

Nearly one-third of all oak species threatened with extinction, report says

New approaches needed to protect biodiversity as Aichi Targets go unmet

Current protected areas not enough to save parrots from extinction: Study

Planned coal-trucking road threatens a forest haven for Sumatran frogs

Death by 1,000 cuts: Are major insect losses imperiling life on Earth?

Deforestation spurred by road project creeps closer to Sumatra wildlife haven

Historical data point to ‘imminent extinction’ of Tapanuli orangutan

Top positive environmental stories from 2020

No endangered listing for monarch butterflies as western count hits alarming low

Through war, wildfire and pandemic, the world’s seed vaults hold strong

Lemurs might never recover from COVID-19 (commentary)

Ambitious and holistic goals key to saving Earth’s biodiversity, study says

Deforestation threatens to wipe out a primate melting pot in Indonesia

World’s plants and fungi a frontier of discovery, if we can protect them: Report

We are failing to save the planet’s species, finds UN report

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