Amazon Conservation News

Brazil bows to pressure from business, decrees 120-day Amazon fire ban

Brazilian court orders 20,000 gold miners removed from Yanomami Park

World’s biggest trade deal in trouble over EU anger at Brazil deforestation

Discovery of fish never recorded in the Amazon shows richness of Brazil’s Calha Norte

Brazil’s indigenous hit especially hard by COVID-19: why so vulnerable?

World’s top tapir expert prepares for unprecedented Amazon mission

38 endangered Brazilian tree species legally traded, poorly tracked: Study

Amazon river dolphin risks extinction if Brazil moratorium not renewed

14 straight months of rising Amazon deforestation in Brazil

Amazon poor go hungry as Brazil slashes social safety net, cuts forests: Study

Brazil revises deforestation data: Amazon rainforest loss topped 10,000 sq km in 2019

Brazilian government taken to court for assault on environment, climate

‘Every time an elder dies, a library is burnt’: Amazon COVID-19 toll grows

Offensive against the Amazon: An incontrollable pandemic (commentary)

In the Amazon, a farmer practices the future of sustainable cattle ranching

Green alert: How indigenous people are experiencing climate change in the Amazon

Loggers attack Brazilian environmental official in Amazon; Bolsonaro silent

Brazil minister advises using COVID-19 to distract from Amazon deregulation

Brazil judge blocks appointment of missionary to indigenous agency

Brazil’s ‘land-grabbers law’ threatens Amazonia (commentary)

Kafka in the Amazon: Volunteer forest fire fighter charged with arson still in limbo

Projeto Harpia: Saving the Amazon’s largest raptor for more than 20 years

Indigenous COVID-19 cases top 500, danger mapped in Brazil agricultural hub

As habitat degradation threatens Amazon species, one region offers hope

Climate tipping point ecosystem collapses may come faster than thought: Studies

Brazil opens 38,000 square miles of indigenous lands to outsiders

Brazil sacks officials who curbed deforestation on Amazon indigenous lands

Flooding devastates Ecuador’s indigenous communities in the Amazon

Evicted indigenous people in Manaus struggle to stay safe amid COVID-19 crisis

Satellite data show Amazon rainforest likely drier, more fire-prone this year

In famed Chico Mendes reserve, Brazil nut harvesters fight to save the forest

Fight against Amazon destruction at stake after enforcement chief fired

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