Arctic News

199 stories

As Arctic melt sets early July record, hard times lie ahead for ice: Studies

Absorbent and yellow and … mobile? Sea sponges on the move in Arctic Ocean

Arctic biodiversity at risk as world overshoots climate planetary boundary

Reversing warming quickly could prevent worst climate change effects: Study

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

As Arctic sea ice hits annual maximum, concern grows over polar ice loss: Studies

The glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet are running away

A warming Arctic is changing animal migrations, decades of tracking shows

Ice breakers in the Arctic: Let’s talk Inuit safety (commentary)

Brave New Arctic: Sea ice has yet to form off of Siberia, worrying scientists

Arctic Sea ice melts to second-place finish at annual minimum

Narwhals beware: Killer whales are on the rise in the Arctic

New study quantifies impact of hunting on migratory shorebird populations

Siberian heat drives Arctic ice extent to record low for early July

Climate conundrum: Could COVID-19 be linked to early Arctic ice melt?

Climate tipping point ecosystem collapses may come faster than thought: Studies

Game changer? Antarctic ice melt related to tropical weather shifts: Study

Arctic permafrost moving toward crisis, abrupt thaw a growing risk: Studies

Songs and sounds of Bering Sea whales and seals reveal a story of change

Listening to marine mammals is helping scientists understand Arctic impacts of climate change

Melting Arctic sea ice may be altering winds, weather at equator: study

Tool use in puffins may point to ‘underestimated’ intelligence in seabirds

Vanishing sea ice in the Arctic could shake up seabird migrations

Svalbard reindeer rebounding better than hoped after nearly going extinct

World is fast losing its cool: Polar regions in deep trouble, say scientists

Shrinking sea ice in the Arctic opens new pathways for animal disease

The Arctic and climate change (1979 – 2019): What the ice record tells us

2019 in line for second lowest Arctic sea ice extent record

Protecting Antarctica beyond 2041: an interview with polar explorer Robert Swan

Arctic in free fall: 2019 sea ice volume sinks to near record for June

Arctic sea ice extent just hit a record low for early June; worse may come

Arctic in trouble: Sea ice melt falls to record lows for early April

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