Whales News

251 stories

2021’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Top 15 species discoveries from 2021 (Photos)

Indigenous communities in South Africa sue, protest off-shore oil and gas exploration

El Niño takes a toll on southern right whales in the Atlantic Ocean

Two threatened whale groups had a mini baby boom, but not because of lockdown

Faroe Islands to evaluate traditional hunt after slaughter of 1,400 dolphins

Will ‘ropeless’ fishing gear be seaworthy in time to save endangered whales?

New ecolabel will certify ‘Whale-Safe’ shipping companies and cruise lines

Study confirms sightings of endangered blue whale in Philippine waters

Hunger, disorientation blamed for pilot whale mass stranding in Indonesia

Patagonia’s blue whales besieged by hundreds of boats, study finds

‘Minke whales for dinner’: Norway’s controversial whale hunt is still on

When Chinook salmon is off the menu, other prey will do for endangered orcas

To fight climate change, save the whales, some scientists say

Only 1 of 52 pilot whales survives mass stranding in Indonesia

Fewer than 100 of these giant whales make up a newly described species

Rare beaked whale sighting could be a world first for the species

2020’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Whale of a find: Scientists spot beaked whale believed to be a new species

Can whales and dolphins catch COVID-19 from wastewater? It’s murky

Whale zone ahead: A cetacean speed trap tags ships going over the limit

Sri Lankans save pilot whales in epic rescue after mass stranding

‘No other choice’: Groups push to protect vast swaths of Antarctic seas

New tool alerts ships when whales are near. But will they slow down?

Mauritians take to the street over oil spill and dolphin and whale deaths

481 and counting: Norway’s whaling catch hits four-year high

To flourish, Sri Lanka’s whale-watching industry must operate responsibly (commentary)

Narwhals beware: Killer whales are on the rise in the Arctic

Baby humpback whales bulk up in Hawaii ahead of migration [VIDEO]

Economists put a price tag on living whales in Brazil: $82 billion

Researchers miss out on sperm whale superpod in Sri Lanka amid pandemic

Iceland won’t be killing any whales this year

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