Sumatra News

1117 stories

Unchecked illegal trawling pushes Indonesia’s small-scale fishers to the brink

Surge in legal land clearing pushes up Indonesia deforestation rate in 2024

Mother of 2 jailed in Sumatra as wildfires dragnet continues to catch small farmers

Coming to a retailer near you: Illegal palm oil from an orangutan haven

Indonesian scientist under fire for revealing extent of illegal tin mining

On Indonesia’s unique Enggano Island, palm oil takes root in an Indigenous society

Satellite data show bursts of deforestation continue in Indonesian national park

As Sumatra loses mangroves to oil palms, local fishers also suffer

Thousands of birds seized in massive Indonesian bird-trafficking bust

Indonesian mother imprisoned for protesting palm oil factory next to school

Canopy bridges serve a lifeline for Sumatra’s tree-dwelling primates

Orangutan conservation and communication: Gary Shapiro’s half-century journey from zoos to the wilds of Borneo

Sumatra citizen lawsuit seeks accountability for haze-causing fires

For Indonesian oil palm farmers, EU’s deforestation law is another top-down imposition

‘Stop the stupidity’: Indonesia’s top court orders end to mine in quake zone

More alarms over Indonesia rhino poaching after latest trafficking bust

Indonesia’s Farwiza Farhan among Ramon Magsaysay awardees for protecting Leuser Ecosystem

A one-time illegal logger grows back a forest for his people in Sumatra

Indonesia expands IPLC land recognition — but the pace is too slow, critics say

Sumatran province brings hammer down on illegal oil wells after fatal blasts

Sumatran tiger confirmed killed by snare in Indonesia’s West Sumatra province

Sumatra community school hands down ancient knowledge to modern generation

Sumatra pulp & paper giants violate zero-deforestation pledge, activists allege

In Indonesia’s Aceh, a once-isolated forest hosts local travelers on bamboo rafts

Water is key as study shows restoration of drained tropical peat is possible

Unrest and arrests in Sumatra as community fights to protect mangroves

Analysis: Michelin’s no-deforestation claims in Indonesia rubber plantation a stretch

Floods set to worsen on Sumatra peat as landscape gives way

Mysterious, at risk, understudied flat-headed cat lacks conservation focus

Hold my ointment: Wild orangutan observed healing wound with medicinal plant

Borneo and Sumatra megaprojects are carving up clouded leopard forests

Indigenous community fights to save its lands on Indonesia’s historic tin island

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