Species News

117 stories

AI can already identify species in photos. Can it extract even more data?

Digitizing 6 million plant specimens: Interview with Gunter Fischer & Jordan Teisher

Langurs in Bangladesh face extinction as hybridization between species escalates

Study challenges use of charismatic wildlife as umbrella species for conservation

A tiger cat gains new species designation, but conservation challenges remain

Summit on migratory species sides with science, throws shade on deep-sea mining

Bid to mitigate gold mine’s impact on orangutans hit by stonewalling, data secrecy

Study: Tiny tortoise may play large role in South Africa’s Karoo landscape

Track-a-mole: Sniffer dog and eDNA help ‘rediscover’ South African golden mole

Collaboration key to rediscovery of egg-laying mammal in Papua’s Cyclops Mountains

Off Mexico’s coast, world’s largest limpet is slipping into extinction

Several reef sharks at greater threat of extinction than thought, study shows

As tourism booms in India’s Western Ghats, habitat loss pushes endangered frogs to the edge

Global Ocean Census aims to find 100,000 marine species in 10 years

‘Extinct’ snails return to Tahiti in largest wildlife reintroduction ever

New ‘snug,’ a snail with a too-small shell, described from Brunei rainforest

Scientists make ‘rare’ new identification of snake family: Micrelapidae

Bankrolling biodiversity: How are private philanthropists investing in nature?

‘Plasticosis’: the new disease killing seabirds and likely many other species

U.S. refuses calls for immediate protection of North Atlantic right whales

Nations adopt Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

‘Europe’s rarest fish’ numbers spawn hopes for species’ survival

New protections for sharks, songbirds, frogs and more at CITES trade summit

Conservationists play matchmaker to boost Argentina’s jaguar gene pool

Here come the sunbirds: New species from Indonesia’s Wakatobi Islands

Indigenous knowledge settles question of a Bornean tree species: Study

Latest ‘plan for the planet’ calls for protecting 44% of land, home to 1.8b humans

Drastic declines in Neotropical birds in a protected Panamanian forest

A helping hand for red-footed tortoises making a comeback in Argentina

Bull run: South Africa marks latest rhino relocation to boost populations

Study: Most biodiversity hotspots lack formal protection in Borneo and Sumatra

NGOs block gillnet fishing across 100,000 sq km of Great Barrier Reef

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