Shark finning News

39 stories

New evidence spells massive trouble for world’s sharks, rays and chimaeras

Clock ticks on Indonesia shark skinners as predator population plunges

Shark fin consumption wanes in Thailand, yet demand persists, report shows

Undercover in a shark fin trafficking ring: Interview with wildlife crime fighter Andrea Crosta

Rewilding program ships eggs around the world to restore Raja Ampat zebra sharks

DNA probe uncovers threatened shark species in Thailand’s markets

Global shark deaths increasing despite finning bans, study shows

Still on the menu: Shark fin trade in U.S. persists despite ban

The ex-shark fishermen teaching schoolkids how to protect the environment

Sharks deserve our appreciation and protection (commentary)

Costa Rica announces ban on fishing of hammerhead sharks

More than half of reef sharks and rays threatened with extinction, study shows

Landmark bill will ban the shark fin trade in the US

Dalian Ocean Fishing, subject of Mongabay probe, now sanctioned by U.S.

Shark-fishing gear banned across much of Pacific in conservation ‘win’

‘It was a shark operation’: Q&A with Indonesian crew abused on Chinese shark-finning boat

As shark numbers plummet, nations seek ban on devastatingly effective gear

New protections for sharks, songbirds, frogs and more at CITES trade summit

Exclusive: Shark finning rampant across Chinese tuna firm’s fleet

Advocates welcome halt to shortfin mako shark fishing, call for longer ban

New research hopes to shine a light on wedgefish, the ‘pangolin of the ocean’

Efforts to tackle shark fin trade need to focus closer to shore, study says

Shark fin trafficking ring busted as trade ban comes into effect in Florida

Landed by the thousands: Overfished Congo waters put endangered sharks at risk

Sharks nearby? A bottle of seawater can hold the answer, study says

Arrests in Indonesian probe into latest case of labor abuses on Chinese fishing boats

Sharks are ‘functionally extinct’ in many global reef systems, study finds

Indonesia presses China for witness in deaths of fishing boat crews

Shark fin stories by major media ‘misleading’: Q&A with David Shiffman

Mercury with that? Shark fins served with illegal doses of heavy metals

Chinese boat that dumped Indonesian crews at sea was also shark-finning: Reports

Authorities seize record 26 tons of illegal shark fins in Hong Kong

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