Restoration News

352 stories

Nearly half of replanted trees die, but careful site selection can help

If you build it, the amphibians will come: Swiss researchers show new ponds boost species at risk

Report calls on palm oil firms to make up for nearly 1m hectares of forest loss

COP27 long on pledges, short on funds for forests — Congo Basin at risk

Amid conflict and chaos, a reforestation project surges ahead in Haiti

Deadly landslides prompt Philippine president to call for tree planting

Meet the Millennium Forest: A unique tropical island reforestation project

Who decides on ‘priorities’ for ecosystem restoration?

Mongabay’s What-To-Watch list for November 2022

With FSC rule change, deforesters once blocked from certification get a new shot

Successes and struggles: Brazil’s 20-year Amazon reforestation carbon sink project

A ‘super reef’ recovery raises hopes — but also questions about its resilience

In Madagascar, a tree-planting business goes long on social, short on eco

Mangroves and wildlife in Bornean bay at risk from Indonesia’s new capital

Harpy eagle’s return to Costa Rica means rewilding’s time has come (commentary)

After 20 years and thousands of trees planted, Kalimantan’s veteran forester persists

An Indonesian rock star shines his light on mangroves, urban farming and more

Java communities rally as clock ticks on cleanup of ‘world’s dirtiest river’

Healthy mangroves build a resilient community in the Philippines’ Palawan

Scientists develop AI that can listen to the pulse of a reef being restored

Niger Delta mangroves in ‘grave danger’ from oil spills, poverty, invasive species

Let it grow: Q&A with reforestation and land restoration visionary Tony Rinaudo

Aziil Anwar, Indonesian coral-based mangrove grower, dies at 64

In Sumatra, rising seas and sinking land spell hard times for fishers

Bangladesh struggles to protect the last of its last wild elephants

‘Spiderwebs’ to the rescue for Indonesia’s coral reefs

A utopia of clean air and wet peat amid Sumatra’s forest fire ‘hell’

In restoring polluted rivers, Indonesia looks at restocking endemic fish

Natural regeneration and women-led initiatives help drive Atlantic Forest Pact

Scientists strive to restore world’s embattled kelp forests

Mongabay’s What-To-Watch list for July 2022

Cameroon’s Nigerian refugees who degraded their camp are now vanguards of reforestation

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