Restoration News

332 stories

Indonesia to expand ‘smart fisheries’ program aimed at empowering communities

Miyawaki forests are a global sensation, but not everyone’s sold on them

Volunteers, First Nations work to bring back a disappearing oak prairie

Science and culture join forces to restore 120 miles of Hawaiian reefs

Africa’s land and forest restoration initiative gathers pace in Malawi

Award-winning community group in Sumatra cleans up lake

Extreme reforestation: Baobab planters confront fires, loggers, cattle and more

Peatlands, Indonesia’s carbon trove, are mostly unprotected, study finds

Nearly 30% of all tree cover in Africa may be outside of forests, study says

Don’t destroy Earth on the way to Mars (commentary)

Studies show oyster reef restoration can work out well — given enough time

New research finds slow forest recovery in the Andes — and ways to improve

Seabird conservation mostly works, comprehensive new data set shows

World’s ‘largest’ tropical reforestation project slowed by Covid, Bolsonaro, fires

Madagascar bush fires prompt exasperated NGO to curtail tree planting

Saving forests to protect coastal ecosystems: Japan sets historic example

Counterintuitive conservation: Fire boosts aquatic crustaceans in U.S. savannas

From scarcity to abundance: The secret of the ‘peace farmers’ of Colombia

Could biodiversity be a key to better forest carbon storage in Europe?

In Brazil, scientists fight an uphill battle to restore the disappearing Cerrado savanna

Reconnecting ‘island habitat’ with wild corridors in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Mountain islands: Restoring a transitional cloud forest in Costa Rica

From ukuleles to reforestation: Regrowing a tropical forest in Hawai‘i

Loss of wetlands threatens South Sumatra’s rich fish-preserving tradition

Restoration turns pastures into wildlife haven in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest

Treacherous pits and lakes left in the wake of Cameroon’s abandoned mining sites

Peatland restoration in temperate nations could be carbon storage bonanza

Saving Masungi, a last green corridor of the Philippines: Q&A with Ann Dumaliang

Restore linked habitat to protect tropical amphibians from disease: Study

‘The Mangrove Guy’: Q&A with Kelly Roberts Banda, Kenya’s lawyer-conservationist

Ukrainian ecologists say nature will suffer no matter war’s result (commentary)

From Japan to Brazil: Reforesting the Amazon with the Miyawaki method

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