Researcher perspective series News

155 stories

The thinning fabric of Earth’s forest cover (commentary)

From threat to solution: Rethinking the role of communities in nature conservation (commentary)

Greta and Mesoamerica’s five great forests (commentary)

This land is ours: New law could end age-old injustice faced by Liberian women (commentary)

Why I support the California Tropical Forest Standard (commentary)

Climate adaptation begins with how we manage water (commentary)

A lifeline for the last leopards (commentary)

How rubber farmers can reduce risk and help the environment (commentary)

With new protections, saiga antelope may continue to be a symbol of Central Asia (commentary)

Sea Around Us: Global fisheries data and the goose that laid the golden egg (commentary)

Forests: A key piece of the land and climate puzzle (commentary)

To regulate or not to regulate? EU climate commitments face key test over global deforestation (commentary)

Simba’s future depends on putting communities at the forefront of lion conservation (commentary)

Information is key – but lacking for sharks and rays in the Western Indian Ocean (commentary)

On public interest in conservation and internet data (commentary)

Critiques of carbon credits aren’t asking the right question (commentary)

How to make sure your aquarium fish are ethical (commentary)

Rivers are the world’s heritage. Time to treat them as such (commentary)

From flaming to free-flowing: The full lesson of the recovery of the Cuyahoga River (commentary)

Why sustainability should be on your plate when you travel (commentary)

Healthy reefs, healthy people: Community-based marine conservation in Papua New Guinea (commentary)

Why more women should be included in the leadership of Virunga National Park (commentary)

Lemur yoga: Fueling the capture of wild lemurs? (commentary)

Community conservation in Namibia requires balance and understanding (commentary)

When losing your soil means losing your livelihood (commentary)

EU holds the key to stop the ‘Notre Dame of forests’ from burning (commentary)

Phasepardhis and the lesser florican (commentary)

Sage spending to save species (commentary)

Kenya on the brink of acquitting ivory trafficker number four (commentary)

There is no conservation justification for bringing the tapir back to Borneo (commentary)

On a wing and a prayer? Evidence for ways to conserve bats (commentary)

Sarawak can invest in or give away its future (commentary)

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