Rainforests and Amazon News

2077 stories

Fragmentation killing species in the Amazon rainforest

Mining in Venezuelan Amazon threatens biodiversity, indigenous people

British firm looks to Amazon rainforest for new drugs

Indians are key to rainforest conservation efforts says renowned ethnobotanist

Amazon deforestation rate plunges 41 percent

Brazil claims soy and beef not responsible for Amazon deforestation

Largest seizure of illegally logged Amazon rainforest timber announced by authorities

Global warming could cause catastrophic die-off of Amazon rainforest by 2080

Brazil says no to rainforest privatization plan, asks Gore for help

Rainforests face myriad of threats says leading Amazon scholar

Privatize the Amazon rainforest says UK minister

Photos of newly discovered species in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest

Expansion of agriculture in the Amazon may impact climate

46 arrested for illegal Amazon logging

Selective logging leads to clear-cutting in the Amazon rainforest

Amazon soy becomes greener

Brazil, U.S. renew Amazon research agreements

Brazil establishes 3 new parks in the Amazon rainforest

Ecuador’s oil nationalization may hurt environment

Amazon Stonehenge suggests advanced ancient rainforest culture

Can we save the rainforests? Lessons from the Amazon

Amazon rainforest: Empty of animals

Flooded forest habitat in the Amazon rainforest

The Amazon: Fisherman’s paradise

Oil firm abandons road project for Amazon rainforest park in Ecuador

Hudson Institute calls Amazon savanna biome a wasteland

Fish Flow with the Floods in the Amazon

Rivers are the highways of the Amazon

Brazil closes down illegal timber operation, seizes wood

Exploring the Flooded Streets of Iquitos, Peru

Greenpeace accuses McDonald’s of destroying the Amazon rainforest

Brazil to protect Amazon rainforest

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