Primary forests News

396 stories

Climate pact must halt deforestation and industrial logging of old-growth forests, exclude carbon credits for forest conservation, say activists

24% of Papua New Guinea’s rainforest destroyed or degraded by logging in 30 years

Rainforests absorb 20% of emissions annually

Secondary forest should become new conservation initiative

Symposium tackles big question: how many species will survive our generation

What is the greatest threat to rainforests: habitat destruction or climate change?

Selective logging occurs in 28 percent of world’s rainforests

Rainforest conversion to oil palm causes 83% of wildlife to disappear

Old growth forests are giant carbon sinks, helping offset emissions

In the Amazon, primary forest biodiversity tops that of secondary forest, plantations

Forest disturbance reduces biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest

Biodiversity extinction crisis looms says renowned biologist

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