Politics News

1103 stories

Global warming report released in Paris

California bill would outlaw incandescent lightbulbs to help fight global warming

Biofuels could decimate environment, stymie developing countries, says report

Pentagon pushes land conservation, partners with green groups

Global warming cap to cost U.S. 0.26% of GDP says Energy Department

American industry jumps on global warming bandwagon

Bush calls climate change a ‘serious challenge’

Bush administration says polar bears under threat

Bush administration sued for failure to protect sea otter

President Museveni needs to do what’s best for Uganda

Nuclear war could cause global cooling (i.e. block global warming)

Nairobi talks made progress on forest conservation for global warming emissions credits

EU toughens rules on global warming

Supreme Court to decide on global warming issue

Inhofe doesn’t attend climate change meeting but issues statement on children’s book

Election results means U.S. climate action likely by 2010

Sweden doing most to fight global warming, Saudi Arabia the least

U.S. stymies attempt to crack down on illegal logging

United States acting unethically on global warming says new report

Africa will suffer dearly from global warming

Australia says global warming pact pointless without India and China

Avoided deforestation could send $38 billion to third world under global warming pact

Blair: U.S. must act on global warming

Energy development threatens Pumalin nature sanctuary in Chlie’s Pantagonia

Brazil says no to rainforest privatization plan, asks Gore for help

No mention of climate change in new hurricane research report

California Oil Tax Pits Venture Capitalists Versus Big Oil

Bush administration blocks report linking hurricanes to global warming

California sues automakers over global warming

California sues Bush administration forest law repeal

$230B for moon return but only $30M for deep ocean research?

Americans believe hot weather, hurricanes linked to global warming

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