Photoblog wildlife News

149 stories

Hidden jewels of the rainforest: leafhoppers

Orangutans at risk from bridge project in Indonesian Borneo

‘Tastiest’ lemur is also one of the most important to the rainforest ecosystem

Extinct in the wild, but surviving in captivity: Mother and baby Panamanian golden toads

Party sloth

Eye-gouging tree frog

Great hornbill flying through the canopy of a rainforest in Thailand

Christmas chameleon

Owl butterfly

Lion cubs in Tanzania

Black Howler Monkey in Belize

Turquoise and green chameleon

Giant monkey frog

Baby gorilla

A beautiful moth

Jaguar in the Pantanal

Coming face-to-face with what may be the last of a species, the Bornean rhino

‘Muppet’ bird

Dancing lemurs

Orange and red-striped Panther Chameleon in Ankarana

Ocellated Turkey

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