Other effective conservation measures oecms News

14 stories

Inclusive tracking and recognition of area-based conservation helps people & planet (commentary)

Indigenous land rights take center stage in a new global framework for biodiversity conservation (commentary)

E.O. Wilson’s last dream

Half-Earth, conservation, and hope: An interview with E.O. Wilson, Paula Ehrlich and Sir Tim Smit    

30×30 is not a one-size-fits-all biodiversity target (commentary)

Conservation will only scale when non-conservationists see its value, says James Deutsch

‘Conservation should be seen as what communities have always done’, says John Kamanga

OECM concept may bring more inclusive approach to conserving biodiversity

Building the Campaign for Nature: Q&A with Brian O’Donnell

Protected areas now cover nearly 17% of Earth’s surface: U.N. report

We’re not protecting enough of the right areas to save biodiversity: Study

Communities, conservation, and development in the age of COVID: Time for rethinking approaches (commentary)

New paper proposes a science-based ‘Global Deal for Nature’

Global agreement on ‘conserved areas’ marks new era of conservation (commentary)

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