Nature based climate solutions News

117 stories

To get young Filipinos into farming, initiatives reach them via TikTok, school

Can we build a carbon market that values nature and rewards local stewardship? (commentary)

Regenerative agriculture in Mexico boosts yields while restoring nature

Bangladeshi coastal communities plant mangroves as a shield against cyclones

Poor planning, persistent farming undermine mangrove restoration in Tanzania

President Biden signs order aimed at protecting old-growth forests across U.S.

Beyond CO2, tropical forests a ‘cool’ solution to climate crisis, study finds

From traditional practice to top climate solution, agroecology gets growing attention

In landslide-prone Colombia, forests can serve as an inexpensive shield

Traditional knowledge guides protection of planetary health in Finland

NGOs alert U.N. to furtive 2-million-hectare carbon deal in Malaysian Borneo

Indigenous-led report warns against ‘simplistic take on conservation’

A more potent CO2 sink than the Amazon, Brazil’s mangroves remain overlooked

Malaysian officials dampen prospects for giant, secret carbon deal in Sabah

At a plantation in Central Africa, Big Oil tries to go net-zero

By cultivating seaweed, Indigenous communities restore connection to the ocean

The year in rainforests 2021

Global ecosystem restoration progress: How and who’s tracking it?

Scientists on a quest to map worldwide web of fungi beneath our feet

Indigenous leader sues over Borneo natural capital deal

The complete guide to restoring your soil: Q&A with soil expert Dale Strickler

Conflict and climate change are big barriers for Africa’s Great Green Wall

Fighting climate change is a dirty job, but soils can do it | Problem Solved

Hope old and new: COP26 focused on two largely unsung climate solutions

Ambitious English rewilding project aims to give 20% of land ‘back to nature’

Bornean communities locked into 2-million-hectare carbon deal they don’t know about

COP26: “Work with nature in forest restoration,” says respected journalist

Do forest declarations work? How do the Glasgow and New York declarations compare?

Achieving a ‘nature positive future’: an interview with Cristián Samper

Women on storm-hit Philippine island lead Indigenous effort to restore mangroves

Are nature-based solutions the silver bullet for social & environmental crises?

Jane Goodall launches effort in support of planting 1 trillion trees by 2030

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