Mountains News

168 stories

Helicopters slash the trek to Earth’s highest peak, but leave Sherpas grounded

Greater Mekong serves up 234 new species in a year, from fanged hedgehog to diva viper

In 2024, Nepal’s elusive snow leopards pounce into spotlight

‘Scratching the surface’ of Nepal butterfly research: Interview with Sanej Suwal

New brown bear ‘stronghold’ in Nepal redraws species’ range map

As Nepal counts its snow leopards, even the best estimate is still a guess

Search for new territory led Nepal’s ‘low-altitude’ snow leopard to get lost

Nepal’s snow leopard conservation shifts focus from research to conflict mitigation

Ecotourism offers new hopes for Bhutanese youth — and local environments

Uttarakhand villagers thirst for water as tourism, temps & development rise

All conservation is local: Interview with Angolan conservationist Kerllen Costa

Tracing Africa’s ‘fading biological fingerprints’ in Angola’s threatened forests

A forest restoration project brings birdsong back to Angola’s highest mountain

In a Himalayan Eden, a road project promises opportunity, but also loss

Uttarakhand limits agricultural land sales amid protests & tourism development

Oman’s mountain oases offer ancient farming lessons for a warming future

Risky development in Uttarakhand: Interview with environmentalist Ravi Chopra

Rare snow leopard sighting in Nepal’s ‘home of tiger’ puzzles conservationists

[Photos] New book is a stunning glimpse of Asia’s wildlife and landscapes

Ancient ocean water found in Himalayas could offer insights about evolution

Community forest association helps hold the line to protect Mount Kenya forest

Conservationists condemn Nepal proposal to allow hydropower in protected areas

Conservation success lies with governments, not NGOs: Q&A with Hem Sagar Baral

Return of the wolf to Nepal’s Himalayas may threaten snow leopards

The struggle to deter mining operations in a little-known biodiversity sanctuary in Brazil

‘Small mammals play a big role’: Q&A with Nepali researcher Dibya Raj Dahal

Lucky No. 13? Latest images could add to Nepal’s 12 wildcat species

Residents of southeast Alaskan town debate mine that’s bound to change region

Fires threaten Afromontane forests’ ‘whole new world’: Q&A with Martim Melo

Honey production sweetens snow leopard conservation in Kyrgyzstan

In a Bolivian protected area torn up for gold, focus is on limiting damage

Study shows mountain forests being lost at ‘alarming rate,’ especially in Asia

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