Megafauna News

189 stories

Human population boom led to Madagascar’s megafauna extinction: Study

Better than sex? For hard-to-breed rhinos, technology strives for a solution

Sumatran tiger killed at London Zoo by potential mate

Conservation couture: Batik artisans make rhinos a fashion statement

The long journey to saving the Sumatran rhino, via Borneo (commentary)

Pumas engineer their environment, providing habitat for other species

First wild Sumatran rhino in Borneo captured for breeding campaign

Indonesian government puts off Sumatran rhino IVF program

In protecting the Javan rhino, locals gain a ‘more meaningful life’

2700 scientists issue call to action on border wall wildlife threat

Study finds elephants plant trees, play big role in forest structure

Robbery or retribution? Police investigate death of prominent conservationist in Kenya

Indonesia hints rhino sperm transfer to Malaysia may finally happen this year

Liberian park protects Critically Endangered western chimpanzees

Rhino horn confiscated, three alleged traffickers arrested in Sumatra

Mammal numbers high in logged tropical forests, study finds

U.K. is the world’s biggest exporter of legal ivory, data analysis shows

Five promising stories for Global Tiger Day

Flood hits India’s Kaziranga National Park, killing four rhinos

Orangutans find home in degraded forests

Behind rising rhino numbers in Nepal, a complex human story

Charcoal and cattle ranching tearing apart the Gran Chaco

Investigation finds ‘thriving’ rhino horn trade in Asia

Nepal’s rhino numbers rise, thanks to national and local commitment

Big mammals flourish as Cerrado park’s savanna comes back

Ongoing mass extinction causing ‘biological annihilation,’ new study says

Footprints in the forest: The future of the Sumatran rhino

When it comes to rhino conservation, Asia and Africa can learn a lot from each other

Research suggests less affluent countries more dedicated to wildlife conservation than rich countries

Why losing big animals causes big problems in tropical forests

Vaquita survival hinges on stopping international swim bladder trade

Bringing rhinos back to India’s parks

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