Marine mammals News

395 stories

Study suggests algal blooms disorient whales, putting them in danger

Right whales can live to 130, but in North America they die young

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

Hundreds of whales to be harpooned as Iceland issues new hunting licenses

Scientists, Māori experts uncover new insights into rare spade-toothed whale

Colliding icebergs and chirping seals: Polar ocean sounds are reimagined in art-science collaboration

Cambodian fishers-turned-citizen scientists monitor marine mammal deaths

Mysterious African manatees inspire a growing chorus of champions

Icelandic government grants new license to whaling company to hunt 128 fin whales

Education & research bring Rio’s dolphins back from the brink of extinction

Irrawaddy dolphin death in Thailand’s Songkhla Lake underscores conservation needs

Report: Rising slaughter of small whales and dolphins threatens ocean balance

Summit on migratory species sides with science, throws shade on deep-sea mining

Find the manatee: New AI model spots sea cows from images

Cambodia sea turtle nests spark hope amid coastal development & species decline

Sumatran dugong hunter struggles to adapt to changing times

U.S. auctions off endangered whale habitat for oil and gas drilling

North Atlantic orcas reveal the troubling persistence of toxic ocean pollutants

Lethal or not? Australia’s beaches are a crucible for shark control methods

Dominica set to open world’s first reserve centered around sperm whales

As population ‘flattens,’ North Atlantic right whales remain at risk

Iceland’s whaling paradox (commentary)

International outcry as Iceland lifts ban on what could be last whale hunt

Expected ship traffic to LNG Canada port could see whale deaths also rise

Study reveals turtles’ millennia-old food affair with North African seagrass

Keep it down: U.N. report lists ways to reduce ocean noise pollution

‘No future’: Iceland cancels whale hunt over animal welfare concerns

U.S. says Mexico failed to uphold international treaty protecting vaquita porpoise

Melting Arctic sea ice is changing bowhead whale migrations, study finds

How do you study one of the world’s rarest whales?

At the United Nations, Indigenous Ryukyuans say it’s time for U.S. military to leave Okinawa

Scientists and fishers team up to protect Bolivian river dolphin

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