Latin america News

4424 stories

Amazon river at record low levels; deforestation blamed

Cocaine destroying rainforest parks in Colombia

Birds and Bats Responsible for Seed Dispersal in Tropical Forests

European Space Agency analyzes Hurricane Rita

Pig iron production fueling Amazon deforestation

Number of Amazon forest fires in Mato Grosso, Brazil fall 44%

Builder of rainforest canopy walkways believes conservation can be profitable

Tropical deforestation affects rainfall in North America

Missing Gulfport dolphins rescued following Hurricane Katrina

Coca cultivation and eradication destroy rainforest

NASA Satellite Data Used to Assess Amazon Deforestation

Ancient 46-foot long crocodile found in Amazon

NOAA posts photos from inside Hurricane Katrina

Amazon deforestation lower than last year says Brazil

Chevron faces Billion-Dollar Liability for damage in Ecuador

Brazil’s growth as agricultural giant has cost — LA Times

Sex sells sea turtle conservation in Mexico

Andes of South America are world’s biodiversity champion says news study

Sea turtle massacre in Mexico

Brazil to crackdown on illegal logging says Environment Minister

Brazil’s grasslands could replace food production of American heartland

Amazon not holding expected carbon, carbon-credit trading scheme at risk?

Sea turtles protected in Costa Rica are killed in Nicaragua

Honduras wins aid pact tied to human rights, anti-corruption efforts

Global warming shrinks sacred glacier in the Andes

UN Atlas highlights changing environment in Latin America

Brazilian environment chief arrested on illegal forest-clearing charges

Prize recognizes largest contributor to Amazon rainforest destruction

Second “uncontacted” tribe in Amazon rain forest threatened by loggers

Green party quits government to protest Amazon deforestation

Rainforest loss in the Amazon tops 200,000 square miles, new figures from Brazilian government

Collapsing vanilla prices will affect Madagascar

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