Lampung News

28 stories

Sumatra coffee farmers brew natural fertilizer as inflation bites

New calf brings new hope, and new concerns, for embattled Sumatran rhinos

Sumatran farmers worry as government halts palm oil fertilizer subsidies

It’s a girl: Super rare Sumatran rhino born in captive-breeding center

Rarely seen Sumatran rhinos are now even more elusive as threats close in

Signs, but no sightings: The phantom rhinos of Sumatra’s Bukit Barisan Selatan

Sumatran rhino conservation inspires a thriving creative economy

Forest fires set by poachers threaten a refuge of the Sumatran rhino

Forest fires in Indonesia set to add toxic haze to COVID-19 woes

Indonesian officials wield sharia law in defense of Sumatran rhinos

Love triangle complicates efforts to breed Sumatran rhinos

Indonesia to capture 3 wild Sumatran rhinos to add to breeding population

To rescue Sumatran rhinos, Indonesia starts by counting them first

Conservation couture: Batik artisans make rhinos a fashion statement

Indonesia’s Aceh sees harshest penalty yet for a wildlife crime

Save the Sumatran rhino ‘because we can’ (commentary)

The fate of the Sumatran rhino is in the Indonesian government’s hands

Is anyone going to save the Sumatran rhino?

Where, oh where, are the rhinos of Bukit Barisan Selatan?

Worst-case scenario: There could be only 30 wild Sumatran rhinos left

Economic headwinds buffet once-resilient Sumatran forest-farms

A rhino called hope

Road projects threaten Sumatra’s last great rainforests

Working with communities to fight fires in Way Kambas National Park

From Ohio to Indonesia: captive-bred Sumatran rhinos may be the species’ only hope for a future

It’s a girl: rare rhino gives birth to second calf in Sumatra

Cincinnati-born Harapan the rhino adjusting well to life in Sumatra

Punk rocker likes what he sees in Sumatra’s resin forest

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