Kalimantan News

382 stories

Migrating orangutan males imitate locals to learn about food: Study

On burning-prone Borneo, planners work to fireproof Indonesia’s new capital

Civil society changes up campaign against jailed Kalimantan farmers

Nearly 85% of Indonesian peatlands aren’t protected, study shows

Report links paper giant RGE to Indonesia deforestation despite pledges

Why did the orangutan cross the toll road to Indonesia’s new capital city?

Indonesian coal giant Adaro’s ‘sustainable’ smelter slammed as ‘greenwashing’

Indonesia’s new capital ‘won’t sacrifice the environment’: Q&A with Nusantara’s Myrna Asnawati Safitri

High-carbon peat among 1,500 hectares cleared for Indonesia’s food estate

Deforestation in Borneo threatens three endangered, endemic plant species

Report: Indonesia’s ‘food estate’ program repeating failures of past projects

To build its ‘green’ capital city, Indonesia runs a road through a biodiverse forest

As Indonesia’s new capital takes shape, risks to wider Borneo come into focus

Unsustainable fishing to be banned in Irrawaddy dolphin’s Bornean sanctuary

Indonesia’s Supreme Court rules President Widodo not liable in 2015 fires

Indonesia’s orangutans declining amid ‘lax’ and ‘laissez-faire’ law enforcement

Indonesia’s grand EV plans hinge on a ‘green’ industrial park that likely isn’t

Mangroves and wildlife in Bornean bay at risk from Indonesia’s new capital

Indonesian program pays fishers to collect plastic trash at sea

Building Indonesia’s ‘green’ new capital could see coal use surge (analysis)

Deforestation in Borneo threatens one in four orangutans, study says

Plantations threaten Indonesia’s orangutans, but they’re not oil palm

As dry season starts in Indonesia, risk of fires — and haze — looms

Indonesia teams up with Germany on Sumatran rhino breeding efforts

Banks bet big on coal in Indonesia, bucking global shift away from fossil fuel

Coal miner Bayan sues Indonesian investment chief over loss of land

Mine pits expose the holes in Indonesia’s plan to relocate its capital

How many orangutans does $1 billion save? Depends how you spend it, study finds

NGOs alert U.N. to furtive 2-million-hectare carbon deal in Malaysian Borneo

As Malaysian state resumes log exports, Indigenous advocates warn of fallout

In a warming world, deforestation turns the heat deadly, Borneo study finds

Report: Orangutans and their habitat in Indonesia need full protection now

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