Human wildlife conflict News

444 stories

‘Chased from every side’: Sumatran elephants pinned down by forest loss

Bangladesh struggles to protect the last of its last wild elephants

Saving Sumatran elephants starts with counting them. Indonesia won’t say how many are left

Deforestation in Borneo threatens one in four orangutans, study says

Can a country have too many tigers? Nepal is about to find out

Tigers may avoid extinction, but we must aim higher (commentary)

‘Unprecedented crisis’ for Nepal’s elephants: Q&A with conservationist Ashok Ram

In world convulsed by climate-driven conflict, are peace parks an answer?

As Nepal’s tigers thrive, Indigenous knowledge may be key in preventing attacks

To win island-wide conservation, Indonesia’s Talaud bear cuscus needs to win hearts

Nepal conservationists work to overturn ‘all snakes are venomous’ mindset

Protect Persian leopards, and their defenders, for World Environment Day (commentary)

Rehabilitation research returns orphaned cheetahs to the wild

Tiger-centric conservation efforts push other predators to the fringes

Ecotours aimed at saving monkeys are likely stressing them out, study finds

That ‘killer’ spider story you read online? Fake news, most probably

In oil palm-dominated Malaysia, agroforestry orchards are oases of bird life: Study

Côte d’Ivoire’s chimp habitats are shrinking, but there’s hope in their numbers

Monkeys, porcupines team up to destroy crops, Nepal’s farmers say

Export of elephants to UAE drags Namibia wildlife policy into the spotlight

Can we plan for a future without trophy hunting? (commentary)

Behind viral story of bear visiting Nepal hospital lies bigger ailment

Thai tourism elephants are ‘far better off’ in forests: Q&A with photographer Adam Oswell

Marauding monkeys on an Indonesian island point to environmental pressures

The small cats nobody knows: Wild felines face intensifying planetary risks

UK trophy hunting import ban not supported by rural Africans (commentary)

Malaysian officials deny deforestation drives deadly human-wildlife conflict

Colombo’s seagoing crocodiles under pressure after diver’s killing

‘Huge blow’ for tiger conservation as two of the big cats killed in Thailand

Sinkholes emerge in rural Kenya after series of floods, droughts

‘We scientists engage in soft diplomacy’: Q&A with Christine Wilkinson

How wildlife crossings in Canada are inspiring safer roads for global species

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