Geoengineering News

48 stories

Biochar and reforestation may offer better global cooling potential than ocean fertilization

Mirrors in the desert may fight global warming

New process may fight climate change by storing billions of tons of CO2 in rock

Geoengineering schemes need ranking system to avoid wasting money, destroying the planet

Shell Oil funds “open source” geoengineering project to fight global warming

Geoengineering solution to global warming could destroy the ozone layer

Planktos kills iron fertilization project due to environmental opposition

Too early to say if iron seeding will slow global warming – scientists

New research discredits a $100 billion geoengineering fix to global warming

Ocean CO2 collector could fight global warming and ocean acidification

Weathering technology could mitigate global warming

Iron boosts carbon sequestration by the ocean

Geoengineering cure for global warming could cause problems

WWF condemns iron fertilization scheme to fight global warming

Geoengineering could stop global warming but carries big risks

Modifying clouds to fight global warming

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