Fossil fuels News

782 stories

Biofuels can replace about 30 percent of fuel needs

Ethanol more energy-efficient than oil, finds study

Venezuela plans 5000-mile pipeline across Amazon rain forest

China and India Key to Ecological Future of the World, Says Report

Mexico addressing greenhouse gas emissions despite no Kyoto obligation

U.S. “exporting” carbon emissions to China says study

Australian industry embraces green energy while government fights emissions cuts

Oil sands' development for energy a threat to environment says group

Greenhouse gas emissions will rise by 52% by 2030 warns EIA

Madagascar announces oil discovery; island nation to start producing crude in 3-4 years

High oil prices make Asia pursue green energy

Renewable energy in China, a strategic future?

Shareholders ask ExxonMobil to produce report on risks of oil drilling in sensitive areas

ExxonMobil asked to stay out of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by shareholder group

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