European union News

201 stories

Gabonese timber linked to illegal logging seized in Antwerp

Mongabay investigative series helps confirm global insect decline

Carbon to burn: UK net-zero emissions pledge undermined by biomass energy

The Great Insect Dying: How to save insects and ourselves

The Great Insect Dying: Vanishing act in Europe and North America

The Great Insect Dying: A global look at a deepening crisis

The world’s biggest reptile fair is also a hub for traffickers

World Agroforestry Congress gathers huge group of global boosters in France

EU holds the key to stop the ‘Notre Dame of forests’ from burning (commentary)

Trekking the boreal forest for biodiversity (insider)

Indonesia’s threat to exit Paris accord over palm oil seen as cynical ploy

‘The ultimate agricultural practice’: Q&A with organizers of World Agroforestry Congress 2019

Europe, in bid to phase out palm biofuel, leaves fans and foes dismayed

EU action plan on tropical deforestation must be beefed up, or it will fail (commentary)

France pledges to stop ‘deforestation imports’ by 2030

In Malta, legal loopholes give poachers cover to hunt migratory birds

COP24: Green groups warn of pitfalls in ‘forests for climate’ deal

COP24: Summit a step forward, but fails to address climate urgency

COP24: Sitting down to take a stand for real climate action

COP24: Fossil Fuel Inc.’s outsize presence at talks reflects its influence

COP24: Nations complicit in ignoring bioenergy climate bomb, experts say

COP24: Europe looks to fill the leadership void left by the U.S.

COP24: Human rights concerns cast a shadow over U.N. climate summit

COP24: Coal casts a shadow over U.N. climate talks in Poland

Vietnam-EU legal timber agreement signed, but much work remains

The ongoing trade in conflict timber (commentary)

As climate change takes its toll, world leaders call for adaptation

Activists blast EU for extending deadline to ban palm oil in biofuels

UN forest accounting loophole allows CO2 underreporting by EU, UK, US

Activists: Palm oil must not get wider access to EU under Indonesia trade talks

Outrage and conspiracy claims as Indonesia, Malaysia react to EU ban on palm oil in biofuels

EU-LatAm trade deal good for agribusiness; bad for Amazon, climate – analysis

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