Environmental marketing News

96 stories

Malaysia targets Africa and the Amazon for oil palm expansion

“Turtle carbon” could help protect rainforests and save endangered sea turtles

Shift from poverty-driven to industry-driven deforestation may help conservation

Corporations become prime driver of deforestation, providing clear target for environmentalists

Wal-Mart to ban sales of wood products from threatened rainforests

Australia’s largest retailer Woolworths greenwashes rainforest destruction in Indonesia, allege activists

Indonesian palm oil firms pledge to stop clearing rainforests

Sustainability conference reveals a rift in the Malaysian Palm Oil Council

Unilever calls for ban on rainforest destruction for palm oil

Unilever admits it can’t trace origin of palm oil used in its products

Malaysian palm oil industry puts sustainability in the spotlight

The FSC responds to its critics

Poll: Chinese more concerned about the environment than Americans

Wal-Mart pushes for greener manufacturing in China

Nike to launch “green” eco-shoe

Video game-makers score low on sustainability

Big companies push energy efficiency

Sony launches consumer electronics recycling program

Can cattle ranchers and soy farmers save the Amazon?

Globalization could save the Amazon rainforest

Intel pushes its environmental initiatives

IBM launches “green” chip

Indonesia to be recognized in Guinness Book of World Records for deforestation rate

$25 million prize to fight global warming

Negative messaging not effective for green movement, finds study

Virgin’s Branson commits $3 billion to fight global warming

Citigroup to cut carbon emissions by 10%

Ford assesses business implications of climate change in new report

Goldman Sachs first investment bank to adopt comprehensive environmental policy

Nestle introduces fairtrade coffee, eco-friendly product goes mainstream

90% of largest companies concerned about climate change

Wal-Mart builds environmentally-friendly store

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