Environment News

19223 stories

Arctic sea ice melting faster than previously thought

Climate change may decimate Indonesia’s food supplies, worsen fires

Chrysler to launch a hybrid SUV

U.S. and China fight plan to slow global warming

Climate change leaving amphibians behind in extinction race

Dutch plan restricts biofuels that damage environment

Dutch will demand rainforest-friendly palm oil

Volcanoes linked to massive global warming event

China uses ‘green construction’ for Tibet railway

Japan will kill 50 humpbacks

Indonesia’s Aceh, Papua pledge to protect forests

Stephen Colbert’s sea turtle second in race to Galapagos

Chevron shareholders may be liable for billions in environmental damages

To fight warming, Canada will ban incandescent light bulbs by 2012

New railway will facilitate logging in Congo

Illegal logging in Malaysia due to gangsters

Indonesia urges rich countries to ban illegally logged wood products

China to push for sustainable logging overseas

China to spend $2.1B to protect wetlands

Brazil splits environmental agency to fast-track development projects

Scientists capture video of rare Borneo rhino

Deforestation in Borneo worsened by European colonization

Higher temperatures slow tropical tree growth

Biodiesel may worsen global warming relative to petroleum diesel

Rarest leopardess brutally killed in Russia

Mosquitoes are evolving in response to global warming

Deep sea fish growing slower due to global warming

AES Corp seeks to flood rainforest World Heritage site

Rare mountain gorillas in Uganda on the increase

Global warming, not mass suicide, threatens lemmings

Luxury designers are clueless when it comes to green fashion

Renewable chemicals for green plastics gain ground

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