Ecology News

987 stories

At the mouth of the Amazon, sustainable açaí leaves a sweet taste for communities

Expedition reveals the amazing nocturnal fauna in the Amazon Rainforest

Feeding wild animals is a bad idea: The case of Belo Horizonte’s coatis

In Brazil’s Ribeira Valley, traditional communities combine farming and conservation

U.S. charts course for adopting ropeless fishing to reduce whale deaths

As Brazil ramps up rail projects, wildlife kills remain understudied

In Nepal, endangered tiger kills critically endangered gharial. What does it mean?

In Kathmandu, when the falcon’s away, pigeons come out to play. And poop

Urban farming in Indonesia addresses food needs and climate crisis

New study offers answers for why tropical birds are more colorful

End old-growth logging in carbon-rich ‘crown jewel’ of U.S. forests: Study

Amazon frog highlights appropriation of Indigenous knowledge for commercial gain

A helping hand for red-footed tortoises making a comeback in Argentina

As large areas of Brazil’s Atlantic Forest regenerate, the gains don’t last

Riders of the lost waves: Surfing, and saving, Brazil’s pororocas

Seed banks catalog Brazil’s food past to safeguard its future

For wildlife on Brazil’s highways, roadkill is just the tip of the iceberg

Asia’s troubled trees need better conservation to reach restoration goals: Study

Warming could nip Southeast Asian forests’ mass flowering in the bud, study finds

In Brazil’s northeast, family farmers are guardians of creole seeds

‘Nature has priority’: Rewilding map showcases nature-led restoration

Protecting water by conserving forests puts communities in Mexico to the test

Traditional knowledge guides protection of planetary health in Finland

From land mines to lifelines, Lebanon’s Shouf is a rare restoration success story

‘Right moon for fishing’: Study finds gravitational impacts on plants, animals

Tropical deforestation emitting far more carbon than previously thought: Study

South America hosts nearly half of 9,000 tree species unknown to science

The isolated tapirs of the Atlantic Forest face an uncertain future

From humble roots, a restoration plan in Brazil aims for 1.5m hectares of forest

Study suggests tropical forests can regenerate naturally — if we let them

‘There’s hope’ for North Atlantic right whales: Q&A with filmmaker Nadine Pequeneza

Malaysia’s white-handed gibbons may be two subspecies, not one, study shows

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