Drinking water News

109 stories

So long, UNESCO! What does U.S. withdrawal mean for the environment?

Mine tailings dam failures major cause of environmental disasters: report

Water sources under threat from mining in Ecuador’s mountains

Trump’s global resorts put profit first, environment last, critics say

Philippine palm oil plan ‘equals corruption and land-grabbing,’ critics say

Trump budget threatens Zimbabwe climate change resilience programs

New leaf-nosed bat uncovered amidst burning habitat in Venezuela

World Bank exits controversial Angostura goldmine project in Colombian moorland

Rio Doce: The murder of an already dead river (commentary)

Operation license for Amazon’s Belo Monte mega-dam suspended

Deficient water systems, poor sanitation driving Zika in Brazil

Rio Doce grassroots response arises out of Fundão mining disaster

1.6 million Brazilians struggle to recover from Fundão toxic waste spill

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