Dolphins News

113 stories

Protests against Bangladesh power plant begin in Dhaka and Cambridge

Only 3 Irrawaddy dolphins remain in Laos

UNESCO urges Bangladesh to cancel or relocate Sundarbans coal plant

NOAA establishes final rule on marine mammal bycatch for seafood imports

New species of extinct dolphin discovered in museum collection

Hundreds of baby dolphin deaths linked to BP oil spill

Another catastrophe: Ship carrying 1,235 metric tons of coal sinks in Sundarbans

Getting SMART about Wildlife Crime

Hong Kong’s pink dolphins could disappear due to airport expansion and bridge construction

Preservatives from cosmetics build up in the bodies of far-flung marine mammals

After the NGOs: can Wakatobi National Park survive on its own?

BP oil spill may be causing failed pregnancies in dolphins

Dolphins caught in fishing nets: to eat or not to eat?

Sundarbans still reeling from effects of December oil spill

Gold mining expanding rapidly along Guiana Shield, threatening forests, water, wildlife

Saving the survivor: China scrambles to keep the finless porpoise from extinction

Photos: Japanese fishermen slaughter 41 dolphins, capture 52 in ‘The Cove’

Dolphins, bats and the evolution of echolocation

DNA tests reveal new dolphin species (photos)

Fishermen illegally killing dolphins for shark-bait in Peru (video)

Photo: Pod of 100,000 dolphins spotted off California coast

Save Lolita: new film urges release of captive killer whale

Photos: emperor penguins take first place in renowned wildlife photo contest

Maui’s dolphins still in danger of extinction despite New Zealand’s protective measures

Indonesia green news roundup: Indonesia’s dolphin circuses are haven for abuse

Deepwater Horizon oil spill may have played role in dolphin deaths

BP Deepwater Horizon deformities: eyeless shrimp, clawless crabs

World’s smallest dolphin: only 55 left, but continue to drown in nets stops selling whale meat

New sanctuaries declared for Asia’s freshwater dolphins

87 marine mammals still eaten by people

Featured video: tuna industry bycatch includes sea turtles, dolphins, whales

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