Covid 19 News

327 stories

For Africa’s great apes, a post-pandemic future looks beyond tourism

‘Inspiring behavior change so people and nature thrive’: Q&A with Rare’s Brett Jenks

Wildlife trafficking, like everything else, has gone online during COVID-19

Oil palm plantations a ‘threat to global health,’ says study on outbreaks

Outrage as Cambodian court convicts activists for inciting ‘social chaos’

We can prevent the next pandemic (commentary)

The Nature Conservancy’s Jennifer Morris is an ‘impatient optimist’

Jamaican Climate Change Youth Council seizes opportunity to continue advocacy amidst pandemic

Brazilian Cerrado savanna: Wildcat miners descend on Indigenous reserve

‘Complete turnaround’: Philippines’ Duterte lifts ban on new mining permits

Recognizing the true guardians of the forest: Q&A with David Kaimowitz

Captive lions kept in ‘stressful conditions’ create perfect recipe for disease, experts say

Helping Papuans protect Indonesia’s last frontier: Q&A with Bustar Maitar

Nearly half the Amazon’s intact forest on Indigenous-held lands: Report

‘Like losing half the territory.’ Waorani struggle with loss of elder, and of land to oil (commentary)

Melina Laboucan-Massimo: Catalyzing an Indigenous-led just energy transition

Brazil’s isolated tribes in the crosshairs of miners targeting Indigenous lands

The Covid-19 question: How do we prevent future pandemics?

Deforestation in Indonesia hits record low, but experts fear a rebound

Amid pollution and COVID-19, a quilombolas’ Amazon sanctuary turns hostile

‘There are no silver bullets’ in conservation: Synchronicity Earth’s Jessica Sweidan

Amazon ‘Tribes on the Edge’: Q&A with documentary filmmaker Céline Cousteau

“Securing Indigenous guardianship of vital ecosystems”: Q&A with Nia Tero CEO Peter Seligmann

‘A better world is within reach’: Q&A with Greenpeace’s Jennifer Morgan

‘Hungry’ palm oil, pulpwood firms behind Indonesia land-grab spike: Report

Brazil’s BR-319: Politicians capitalize on the Manaus oxygen crisis to promote a disastrous highway (Commentary)

Ending tropical deforestation is vital to public health, scientists say

Transforming conservation in times of crisis and opportunity (Commentary)

Indigenous groups blast Amazon state’s plan to legalize wildcat mining

In ‘dire’ plea, Brazil’s Amazonas state appeals for global COVID assistance

Brazil’s collapsing health service, new COVID variant, raise Indigenous risk

Nature-based solutions needed to enhance climate resilience in Southeast Asia (commentary)

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