Controversial News

533 stories

For European chemical giants, Brazil is an open market for toxic pesticides banned at home

Are forests the new coal? Global alarm sounds as biomass burning surges

Key Amazon grain route blocked by Indigenous protest over funding, Grainrail

Indigenous best Amazon stewards, but only when property rights assured: Study

Favoring ayahuasca over hospitals, Indigenous Kokama see COVID-19 deaths drop in the Amazon

All talk, no walk: ‘Green’ financiers still support Amazon beef industry

Paper maze and lack of transparency cloak investment in companies involved in Amazon deforestation

As Amazon tree loss worsens, political pressure grows, and Brazil hedges: Critics

Life among the turtles: Traditional people struggle inside an Amazon reserve

Deforestation in the Amazon is drying up the rest of Brazil: Report

Brazil dismantles environmental laws via huge surge in executive acts: Study

Goldminers overrun Amazon indigenous lands as COVID-19 surges

Burning down the house? Enviva’s giant U.S. wood pellet plants gear up

Niobium mining in Brazilian Amazon would cause significant forest loss: Study

Scientists measure Amazon drought and deforestation feedback loop: Study

World’s biggest meatpacker JBS bought illegally grazed Amazon cattle: Report

International investors urge Brazil to take real action to stop deforestation

Brazil’s past finance ministers defend environment against Bolsonaro

Life as an Amazon activist: ‘I don’t want to be the next Dorothy Stang’

Siberian heat drives Arctic ice extent to record low for early July

Traditional villages dread living in shadow of Amazon tailings dams

Prosecutors target Brazil’s environment minister over dismantling of protections

Brazilian court orders 20,000 gold miners removed from Yanomami Park

World’s biggest trade deal in trouble over EU anger at Brazil deforestation

Brazil could dynamite Amazon dolphin, turtle habitat for industrial waterway

Gold priced at $1,700 per ounce brings new gold rush to Brazilian Amazon

Brazil’s indigenous hit especially hard by COVID-19: why so vulnerable?

Illegal farms on indigenous lands get whitewashed under Bolsonaro administration

British Columbia poised to lose ‘white rhino of old growth forests’

Brazilian government taken to court for assault on environment, climate

A bid to legitimize invasions of Brazil’s indigenous lands faces a court challenge

Report names the banks financing destructive oil projects in the Amazon

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