Congo basin News

140 stories

Subsistence farming topples forests near commercial operations in Congo

Liberia expands a key elephant park again, this time with help of locals

2019: The year rainforests burned

$65 million deal to protect Congo’s forests raises concerns

Study tracks first incursion of poachers into ‘pristine’ African forest

Logging road construction has surged in the Congo Basin since 2003

Mongabay’s top 5 forests stories of 2019 (so far) for International Forests Day

What the Congo Basin can learn from Filipino community forestry laws (commentary)

The biggest rainforest news stories in 2018

Could El Niño and climate change spell the end for tropical forests?

DRC’s Virunga National Park closes until 2019 due to violence

Online network seeks to boost international collaboration against wildlife trafficking in Central Africa

Rubber plantation in Cameroon edges closer to UNESCO World Heritage Site

‘It’s our home’: Pygmies fight for recognition as forest protectors in new film

Maps tease apart complex relationship between agriculture and deforestation in DRC

Waning plantain yields in rural Cameroon hurt college attendance

Supporting conservation by playing a game? Seriously? (commentary)

Does forest certification really work?

Big forests, big ag: Are rainforests the right place for industrial agriculture? (commentary)

African great ape bushmeat crisis intensifies; few solutions in sight

Conservation lessons from the bonobos

2 wildlife rangers shot and killed by poachers in Congo park

No safe forest left: 250 captive orphan chimps stuck in sanctuaries

Illegal bushmeat trade threatens human health and great apes

Building environmental community and transparency through maps

Proposed Trump policy threatens Critically Endangered Grauer’s gorilla

New population of rare Dryas monkey videotaped for the first time

NGO takes action to save great apes in Cameroon’s Lebialem Highlands

Indigenous traditional knowledge revival helps conserve great apes

Trade in skulls, body parts severely threatens Cameroon’s great apes

The year in tropical rainforests: 2016

Major Congo Basin forest conference convenes in Rwanda

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