Climate change and extinction News

130 stories

U.S. policy experts confident of future climate action despite Trump election

As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’

Combined effects of human activities increase risk to ecosystem services

Inaugural Planetary Health Check finds ocean acidification on the brink

‘Dream birds’ in the mist: First photo of ‘lost’ bird in DRC mountains

Scientists are racing to save South Asia’s butterflies from the threat of extinction

Frog ‘saunas’ may help threatened frogs fight off deadly fungus

Ahead of COP28, pope spurs policymakers, faith leaders to push climate action

Pope Francis condemns world leaders for deeply flawed UN climate process

Frogs in the pot: Two in five amphibian species at risk amid climate crisis

‘Catastrophic breeding failure’ for penguins as Antarctic sea ice vanishes

‘What we need to protect and why’: 20-year Amazon research hints at fate of tropics

Bangladesh’s new red list of plants shows country has already lost seven species

Temperature extremes, plus ecological marginalization, raise species risk: Studies

Protecting canids from planet-wide threats offers ecological opportunities

Extinct sea cow’s underwater engineering legacy lives on today, study finds

Climate change is hammering insects — in the tropics and everywhere else: Scientists

Humans are decimating wildlife, report warns ahead of U.N. biodiversity talks

Trouble in the tropics: The terrestrial insects of Brazil are in decline

Study paints ‘bleak picture’ for nearly all marine life without emissions cuts

Habitat loss, climate change send hyacinth macaw reeling back into endangered status

As animal seed dispersers go the way of the dodo, forest plants are at risk

Global biodiversity is in crisis, but how bad is it? It’s complicated

‘There’s not much hope’: Mediterranean corals collapse under relentless heat

Scientists on a quest to map worldwide web of fungi beneath our feet

Cats, charisma and climate change (commentary)

Manatee deaths in Florida point to a global decline in seagrass ecosystems

Hotter and drier: Deforestation and wildfires take a toll on the Amazon

For Africa’s great apes, even ‘best-case’ climate change will decimate habitat

Scientists call for solving climate and biodiversity crises together

New paper urges shift to ‘nature positivity’ to restore Earth

Reversing warming quickly could prevent worst climate change effects: Study

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