- A global analysis finds that exposure to multiple human-caused stressors is reducing the ability of ecosystems to provide ecosystem services. However, precisely how these myriad human-induced environmental changes interact to disrupt ecosystems and alter these vital services is poorly understood.
- Researchers analyzed more than 1,000 experiments that measured the response of ecosystems to one, two or three human-caused environmental stressors. The scientists found that the ability of ecosystems to maintain their current function declines as the number of stressors they are exposed to increases.
- The scientists also analyzed data from a long-term experiment on the effect of four simultaneous environmental stressors on plant productivity. This single study showed that ecosystem services’ resistance to change gradually declines with long-term exposure to multiple environmental stressors.
- The new study sheds light on a crucial unanswered environmental science question: How do interactions between multiple planetary boundary transgressions accelerate the collapse of key Earth system processes that keep the planet habitable?
The combined effects of humanity’s actions are making ecosystems less resistant to change, and threatening the vital ecosystem services humanity relies upon, according to a study published in Nature Geoscience.
It’s already well known that humanity is driving myriad systemic environmental changes: altering the climate, converting forests to farmland, polluting the oceans with plastics, diminishing wild species, and much more. Yet scientists have little idea how these different environmental stresses are combining to impact ecosystems.
To address this knowledge gap, an international research team analyzed data from more than 1,000 experiments that measured the response of various ecosystems to one, two or three human-caused environmental stressors. The scientists used this data to calculate the resistance of biodiversity and ecosystem services to change — in other words, their ability to remain the same despite multiplying human pressures.
The team analyzed experiments that spanned two measures of biodiversity and five ecosystem functions, including soil carbon stocks, plant production, soil fertility, and organic matter decomposition, in response to a variety of human-driven environmental factors, such as climate change, drought, nitrogen pollution, wildfires and overgrazing.
They found that the resistance of ecosystem services to environmental change declined as the number of human-caused stressors increased. Statistically, the capacity of ecosystem services to resist change decreased by nearly 10% on average when exposed to two environmental stressors, compared to ecosystems exposed to a single stressor. But when a third stressor was added, resistance was reduced by 36%.
This suggests that the combined effect of human-driven stressors on ecosystems is greater than the sum of the parts — an important finding for those trying to assess ecosystem resilience, environmental problems and their solutions.

Environmental change: More than the sum of the parts
The study is the first to investigate the combined effects of multiple environmental stressors on ecosystem services worldwide. The findings suggest that by focusing on just one factor at a time, scientists have overestimated the capacity for ecosystems to withstand the totality of a human-caused barrage of environmental impacts.
“Our results provide novel evidence that multiple global change stressors erode multifunctional resistance,” says study co-author Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, an ecosystem ecologist at the Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of Seville (IRNAS) in Spain.
This research “highlights the need to reduce the multi-dimensionality of human-driven global change stressors in order to ensure the long-term sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems worldwide,” he says.
However, it’s important to note that this meta-study’s global averages veil significant regional differences: According to the new research, ecosystems varied in their capacity to resist environmental change depending on local climate and soil characteristics. For example, ecosystems in warmer climates tended to be more resistant to change than those in cooler climates.

“Ecology is in an age of synthesis,” and the new “findings reflect a ‘state of the art’ synthesis of current results,” says Jes Hines, an ecologist at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research, who was not involved in the study. Hines warns that by focusing on the overall average response of ecosystem functioning, the researchers’ analysis “may mask more dramatic effects on individual ecosystem functions.”
“This study provides useful insight into the state of knowledge on the effects of multiple global change drivers and highlights the importance of considering multiple change effects in future ecosystem services studies,” says Sarah Weiskopf, a biologist for the U.S. Geological Survey, who was not involved in the study. However, she notes that most of the experiments that were available for the analysis evaluated only one environmental stressor, limiting the strength of the conclusions. “Future research experiments on the effects of multiple global change drivers on ecosystem services would help reduce the uncertainty and increase the robustness of the findings,” she says.
The study counted both positive and negative changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functions as indicators of reduced resistance, because changes in either direction can alter the delicate balance of interactions that keep ecosystems stable. “Both positive and negative changes in ecosystem services can require changes in ecosystem management, so [the results are] useful for policy and planning,” Weiskopf says.

An extinction debt to be repaid
Surprisingly, the analysis showed that biodiversity was less sensitive to increases in the number of environmental change factors than ecosystem functions were.
The researchers argue that this could be evidence of a lag effect of environmental stress on biodiversity, leading to an “extinction debt” that needs to be paid back through the loss of species over longer time periods.
But Hines says an alternative explanation might be found in the relatively small geographical scale of many of the experiments included in the research. “Despite the fairly large global extent of the [analysis], each of the studies was conducted at the local scale and … treatments were applied in small field plots,” she says. This means the research findings could “misrepresent the influences of global change that may play out across scales.”
Accumulating effects of environmental change
In addition to their global meta-analysis, the researchers also analyzed results from a 15-year experiment investigating four human impacts — climate change, nitrogen pollution, elevated CO2 levels, and increased rainfall — on plant productivity in a California grassland. The purpose of this 15-year study was to understand how long-term exposure to multiple stressors impacts ecosystems.
The findings supported the results of the global analysis and showed that ecosystem services’ resistance gradually declines with long-term exposure to multiple stressors.
The results of this single long-term grassland study suggest that the decreases in resistance measured by shorter-term studies, such as those included in the global analysis, may underestimate the effects of long-term exposure to environmental change. It also underscores the urgency of addressing the global climate and environmental crises now.

Interacting stressors push us further from the safe zone
Scientists warn that humanity’s actions are transgressing the nine planetary boundaries that define the safe operating space for humanity. The first ever planetary health check, published in September, found that six of these nine boundaries have now been crossed due to human activity, and all six are moving deeper into the danger zone, with a seventh boundary, ocean acidification, soon likely to be transgressed.
But a major unknown is how disruptions to multiple planetary boundaries interact with each other to accelerate the collapse of key Earth systems that keep the planet habitable. The current study, by analyzing interactions between different aspects of human-caused environmental change, sheds light on this crucial question about planetary boundary interactions.
For example, the researchers found that soil nitrogen levels play a key role in determining the resistance of ecosystem services to other environmental stressors like climate change. They attribute this interdependence to the importance of nitrogen for soil microbial communities.
The global nitrogen cycle has been fundamentally altered by industrial agriculture through the addition of nitrogen fertilizer to the soil, and this disruption has contributed to humanity’s overshoot of the biogeochemical flows planetary boundary. Agriculture has also impacted the land system change planetary boundary, and both of those boundary crossings in turn have adversely impacted the biodiversity integrity boundary. All these boundary transgressions have also made living systems less resistant to climate change — yet another planetary boundary.
These interactions, like colliding dominoes, exemplify how changes in one planetary boundary can amplify the effects of others, to more dramatically reduce the resistance of ecosystem functions.
“This study demonstrates increasing interdependence among at least three of the planetary boundaries: climate change, biosphere integrity [and] biogeochemical flows,” Hines says. “These potentially ‘snowballing’ effects accelerate the urgency with which we should act to implement sustainability measures.”

Although experts have long acknowledged the importance of interactions between multiple environmental stressors, few studies have attempted to investigate or quantify how these interacting factors affect ecosystems. In part this is because with each additional factor at play, the complexity and cost of designing experiments increases rapidly. As a result, interactions between stressors are poorly understood, and most computer models of environmental change don’t include them.
“Multiple global change factors are not accounted for in most contemporary Earth systems models,” says study co-author Xuhui Zhou, an ecologist at Northeast Forestry University (NEFU) in China. This gap must be addressed to “better understand the state of ecosystem services under multifaceted global change scenarios.”
Earth system scientist Johan Rockström, who led the effort to define the nine planetary boundaries, emphasizes the importance of this type of research: “[A]t the frontier of the science today [is the need] to get more Earth system modeling of interactions between planetary boundaries. This is one of the big questions: … How do interactions between boundaries potentially shift the position of the boundaries? And what are the impacts of transgressing boundaries because of interaction?”
The current study takes science one step closer to understanding these critical interactions, and could help improve the accuracy of computer models used to assess global environmental problems — and their solutions.
Banner image: Fully functional Earth systems offer numerous ecosystem services to humanity, including clean air and water, the provision of food, and natural pollination of crops. But humanity is significantly impacting those systems in numerous ways, and often all at the same time, threatening those vital services. Image by Jay Huang via Flickr (CC BY 2.0).
Global biodiversity is in crisis, but how bad is it? It’s complicated
Zhou, G., Eisenhauer, N., Terrer, C., Eldridge, D. J., Duan, H., Guirado, E., … Delgado-Baquerizo, M. (2024). Resistance of ecosystem services to global change weakened by increasing number of environmental stressors. Nature Geoscience, 17(9), 882-888. doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01518-x
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