Climate change and conservation News

438 stories

Stop playing politics with climate change: Q&A with Nigeria’s Nnimmo Bassey

Record North Atlantic heat sees phytoplankton decline, fish shift to Arctic

Taking the global pulse of biodiversity monitoring: Q&A with Andrew Gonzalez

An ‘aquatic moonshot’ in Vietnam aims to fight livestock methane with seaweed

Frogs in the pot: Two in five amphibian species at risk amid climate crisis

Return of the wolf to Nepal’s Himalayas may threaten snow leopards

U.N. ‘stocktake’ calls for fossil fuel phaseout to minimize temperature rise

Macron touts forest conservation while promoting gas project on PNG visit

From debt to diversity: A journey of rewilding, carbon capture and hope

Study shows how to maximize mangroves as climate and community solution

Massive carbon offset deal with Dubai-based firm draws fire in Liberia

Progress is slow on Africa’s Great Green Wall, but some bright spots bloom

‘The deep sea is vital to protect the ocean’: Q&A with France’s Hervé Berville

Forest campaign group renews charge that carbon credit verification schemes are flawed

Genetically engineered trees stoke climate hope — and environmental fears

Philippines’ largest freshwater wetland and Indigenous livelihoods face multiple threats

‘What we need to protect and why’: 20-year Amazon research hints at fate of tropics

Green gains: Localized efforts leave a mark, notably in drier areas, study shows

From cardamom to carbon: Bold new Tanzanian project is regrowing a rainforest

New digital tool maps blue carbon ecosystems in high resolution

Climate warming alters offspring production of birds, study shows

Protected areas store a year’s worth of CO₂ emissions, study reveals

Forest behind bars: Logging network operating out of Cambodian prison in the Cardamoms

Head of Verra, top carbon credit certifier, to leave in June

Inaugural Indigenous women’s forum spotlights Congo Basin conservation

Indigenous groups voice support for REDD+, despite flaws

The U.S. has cataloged its forests. Now comes the hard part: Protecting them

Saving forests to protect coastal ecosystems: Japan sets historic example

Return of the GEDI: Space-based, forest carbon-mapping laser array saved

Could biodiversity be a key to better forest carbon storage in Europe?

Amid changing climate, Bangladesh farming groups conserve indigenous rice seeds

A caribou hunter and researchers uncover the impact of climate change on Arctic hunting

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