Canids News

18 stories

Dholes latest wild canids likely making comeback in Nepal, study shows

In 2023, Nepal’s ‘uncelebrated’ wildlife continued wait for attention

How a 160-year-old pelt piqued new findings on Indigenous ‘woolly dog’ breed

On Nepal’s day to honor dogs, wild canines face mounting threats

In Nepal, conservationists suspect link between canine distemper and human-leopard conflict

Protecting canids from planet-wide threats offers ecological opportunities

Himalayan community takes initiative to help dogs, wildlife and itself

Who let the dogs out? Feral canines pose a threat to Nepal’s wildlife

Yellowstone’s wolves defied extinction, but face new threats beyond park’s borders

Howling in the dark: Shining a light on a newly remembered wolf

Photos: Here are the winners of the 2018 British Ecological Society photo contest

Shifting attitudes may help endangered wild dogs in Thailand

Obama Administration to propose stripping protection from all gray wolves

A new method to monitor stray dog abundance

New Guinea singing dog photographed in the wild for the first time

Illegal hunting threatens iconic animals across Africa’s great savannas, especially predators

After seven year search, scientists film cryptic predator in Minas Gerais

Buffer zones key to survival of maned wolf

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