Borneo orangutan News

52 stories

Indonesian company defies order, still clearing peatlands in orangutan habitat

Deforestation surges in hotspot of critically endangered Bornean orangutans

Migrating orangutan males imitate locals to learn about food: Study

Why did the orangutan cross the toll road to Indonesia’s new capital city?

Orangutan death in Sumatra points to human-wildlife conflict, illegal trade

Fears for academic freedom as Indonesia doubles down on scientists’ ban

What can Half or Whole Earth conservation strategies do for orangutans?

Indonesia’s orangutans declining amid ‘lax’ and ‘laissez-faire’ law enforcement

Severe malaria cases in rescued orangutans raises concerns for wild populations

Deforestation in Borneo threatens one in four orangutans, study says

Plantations threaten Indonesia’s orangutans, but they’re not oil palm

How many orangutans does $1 billion save? Depends how you spend it, study finds

Report: Orangutans and their habitat in Indonesia need full protection now

Lean times leave orangutans wasting away. Habitat loss makes things worse

FSC-certified Indonesian logger may have cleared orangutan habitat: Report

Secretive group found to have cleared orangutan habitat in Indonesia: Report

The Hungry Mills: How palm oil mills drive deforestation (commentary)

Forest patches amid agriculture are key to orangutan survival: Study

Timber organization’s backing ‘one step’ toward ‘peace park’ in Borneo

Activists in Malaysia call on road planners to learn the lessons of history

Conservationists replant legal palm oil plantation with forest in Borneo

‘We are losing’: Q&A with The Orangutan Project’s Leif Cocks on saving the great ape

Where the logging ends in Indonesian Borneo, the forest clearing begins

Indonesia forest fires push orangutans into starvation mode, study finds

Primates lose ground to surging commodity production in their habitats

Lift-off for thermal-imaging system to estimate wildlife populations

For orangutans affected by El Niño, change unfolds over time

Studying human behavior to protect orangutans: Q&A with Liana Chua

Researchers say orangutans are declining, despite Indonesian government’s claims

Recovering conservationist: Q&A with orangutan ecologist June Mary Rubis

Orangutan found shot, hacked at palm plantation with history of deaths

Orangutan forest school in Indonesia takes on its first eight students

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