Books News

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10 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2024

It’s not the end, we have several possible futures: Interview with Indigenous author Ailton Krenak

Reconciling conservation agriculture and agroforestry for sustainability

A particular agrarian reform process in Peru | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

New guidebook supports U.S. tribal nations in adopting rights-of-nature laws

A coalition created by a demand for land is splintered by a competition for territory | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

How Bolivia pioneered agrarian reform in South America

INCRA as a regulatory agency | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

The dynamics of violence in pursuit of land in the Pan Amazon

10 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2023

Wolves through the ages: A journey of coexistence, conflict, and conservation

Cultivation and processing of Amazonian coffees

Infrastructure in the Pan Amazon: Public-private partnerships

Infrastructure in the Pan Amazon: Railroad development

Current policy approaches in the Amazon: certainly necessary, but are they sufficient?

The challenge of the future (and lessons from the recent past) in the Pan Amazon

‘We will decide their future’: Q&A with “pro-bear” environmental journalist Gloria Dickie

A wild life studying the Amazon: Q&A with author Tim Killeen

Book: A perfect storm in the Amazon

‘I’m not distressed, I’m just pissed off’: Q&A with Sumatran rhino expert John Payne

Bringing the ocean’s vast ‘awesomeness’ to light: Q&A with Farah Obaidullah

When a red snapper is more than just a fish: Q&A fisheries scientist Elle Wibisono

Young Indonesian climate leaders demand safe future in new book

‘War with weeds’ lacks ecological understanding and empathy (commentary)

10 notable books on conservation and the environment published in 2022

Breaking free from photosynthesis: Will high-tech foods save nature?

Tuning in to the world of nonhuman sound: Q&A with author Karen Bakker

Examining cooperation in nature: Q&A with author Kristin Ohlson

Debunking the colonial myth of the ‘African Eden’: Q&A with author Guillaume Blanc

‘Sherpas’ real stories are seldom written’: Q&A with authors Ankit Babu Adhikari & Pradeep Bashyal

Book Review: ‘Slaves for Peanuts’ gets to the troubling roots of a beloved snack

‘Tendrils of hope’ for the ocean: Q&A with conservationist Charles Clover

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