Artificial intelligence News

103 stories

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018

Drone 3D models help assess risk of turtle nesting beaches to sea level rise

Photos highlight evolving roles of AI, citizen science in species research

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

Virtual meetup highlights networked sensor technology for parks

Pod-cast: New app streams whale songs for web users in real time

AI simplifies statewide study of leopards in south India

Machine-learning app to fight invasive crop pest in Africa

The iNaturalist species data sharing platform reaches one million users

Tech prize finalists promote collaboration to fight extinction

Decoding the language of bats key to their conservation

Managing the data deluge: Twitter as a tool for ecological research

Automating drone-based wildlife surveys saves time and money, study finds

Citizen science makes easy work of penguin time-lapse image bounty

Cool birds don’t sing: Study automates acoustic monitoring of songbird migration

Species recognition shifts into auto with neural networks

Mongabay discusses technology’s role in conservation at Seattle event [VIDEO]

A global coral reef monitoring system is coming soon

This tiny camera aims to catch poachers — before they kill

Scientists tackling conservation problems turn to artificial intelligence

Cities worldwide use photo app technology to compete in nature observation challenge

From galaxies far, far away to endangered species just over the hill

You don’t need a bigger boat: AI buoys safeguard swimmers and sharks

AI can ‘help us move mountains’ for people and planet, Watson developer says

Coral reef monitoring takes to the skies: drone-mounted hyperspectral cameras help scientists assess health of coral reefs

Drones enable fast, accurate wildlife counts, study shows

Data fusion opens new horizons for remote imaging of landscapes

10 top conservation tech innovations from 2017

Combining computing power and people power to identify key deforestation hotspots

Can technology drive conservation? Experts discuss in Mongabay forum (video)

Author Steven Kotler on tackling the biodiversity crisis with technology

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