Amazon biodiversity News

472 stories

Conventional survey techniques underestimate Amazon biodiversity: report

Eight newly discovered species of whip spiders could soon become extinct

Over-hunting’s surprising connection to global warming

Scientists sound alarm over hydropower’s impacts on tropical fish biodiversity

Here are the top happy environmental stories of 2015

Researchers in Peru capture some of the Amazon’s rarest and most elusive wildlife on video

A tiny new catfish for the Amazon Basin

400+ dams could irrevocably harm Amazon ecology — but solutions exist

Hundreds of new Amazon dams an “ecological experiment” on global scale

Tapajós and other Amazon dams not sustainable development say reports

Videos reveal rare birds, wild monkeys, and jaguar family in oil-exploited park

Featured video: the Uncharted Amazon trailer

Photos: expedition to Amazon’s white sands may have found new primate

Photo essay: filming in the remote Amazon

Video: camera trap catches jaguar hunting peccaries

New tapir? Scientists dispute biological discovery of the century

Scientists uncover five new species of ‘toupee’ monkeys in the Amazon

No longer ‘deaf as a stump’: researchers find turtles chirp, click, meow, cluck

Scientists: Neotropical otter should not be considered threatened

Camera trap captures first ever video of rarely-seen bird in the Amazon…and much more

After throwing out referendum, Ecuador approves oil drilling in Yasuni’s embattled heart

Of jaguars and loggers: new film to showcase one of the least-known regions in the deep Amazon

Oil or rainforest: new website highlights the plight of Yasuni National Park

Scientist discovers a plethora of new praying mantises (pictures)

Several Amazonian tree frog species discovered, where only two existed before

Mother of God: meet the 26 year old Indiana Jones of the Amazon, Paul Rosolie

Amazon trees super-diverse in chemicals

New $20,000 reporting grant explores benefits of Amazonian protected areas

Featured video: camera traps catch jaguars, anteaters, and a sloth eating clay in the Amazon rainforest

High-living frogs hurt by remote oil roads in the Amazon

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2013

Scientists make one of the biggest animal discoveries of the century: a new tapir

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