
25548 stories

Rainforest education site goes online; resources for students, teachers, and journalists

Carbon trading could save rainforests

Plants may absorb less carbon dioxide than initially believed

Fish Flow with the Floods in the Amazon

Climate change is serious threat to biodiversity

Nitrogen emissions could sink plant species in biodiversity hotspots

Brazil closes down illegal timber operation, seizes wood

Rivers are the highways of the Amazon

Long-term cooling driven by Antarctica, not glaciers in Northern Hemisphere

Forest fires burn in Central America

Palo Alto leads United States in renewable energy use

Damaged Caribbean reefs under attack

Exploring the Flooded Streets of Iquitos, Peru

Greenpeace accuses McDonald’s of destroying the Amazon rainforest

Ants are 140-168 million years old

Tropical deforestation rates to slow in future – new study

Picture of ancient missing link between fish and land animals

United States and Indonesia to fight illegal logging

Recent Coral Bleaching at Great Barrier Reef

Report makes case for regulating carbon dioxide emissions

Colombia’s indigenous communities under threat warns UN agency

Giant “Turkeysaurus” dinosaur found in Utah

The Adventure Begins: Wilderness Classroom in Peru

Newly discovered rodent not so new or rare after all

California plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions

Climate change threatens coldwater reefs

More carcinogens allowed into air under secret new EPA rule

Deep-Sea Fish Populations Boom Over the Last 15 Years, New Scripps Study Shows

Prairies at risk from climate change, drought, human activities

Taking Care of Business: Diapers Go Green

Insects worth $57 billion to US economy

Pacific Ocean getting warmer and more acidic

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