Tom Fawthrop
A London-born author, journalist and film-maker, Tom Fawthrop has extensively covered the developing world during the last three decades and lived mostly in South-East Asia.
He has been a regular SE Asia contributor for the Guardian/the Economist in the UK & many online media during his 30 + years living in Phnom Penh, Manila and Chiang Mai Thailand.
In East Timor in 1999, he witnessed the burning and pillaging of the capital Dili, after a referendum that bravely voted for independence from Indonesia’s annexation reporting for the Guardian UK, DPA German news agency and the Melbourne Age.
His films on Mekong include “Where Have All the Fish Gone?’2013 & “Killing the Mekong Dam by Dam.” 2018 (All his films are available as DVDs from
The co-author of one of the first books about the region’s first international justice tribunal here in Cambodia titled ‘Getting away with Genocide? Elusive Justice & the Khmer Rouge Tribunal” (Pluto Press UK), it was published in 2004.
In 1989 he produced and directed a documentary for the Channel 4 in the UK Dreams & Nightmares –filmed inside Cambodia ten Years after the ouster of the Pol Pot regime.
His environmental work has prompted to many invitations to deliver lectures and film screenings from universities and colleges in the region including Panasastra University Phnom Penh, NUS Singapore, Tu Duc University Ho Chi Minh City, Chulalungkorn /CMU universities in Thailand, East Anglia and Kings College London Universities in the UK.Tom Fawthrop can be contacted