9 stories

New U.S. agroforestry project will pay farmers to expand ‘climate-smart’ acres

Some hemp with your wine? Study shows better soil, potentially flavors from intercropping

‘One of our greatest climate solutions’: Q&A with the U.S. National Agroforestry Center’s new director

Scientists look to wheatgrass to save dryland farming and capture carbon

New report provides road map for expanding chestnut agroforestry in the U.S.

In Pennsylvania, agroforestry holds a key to cleaning up waterways and Chesapeake Bay

Nuts about agroforestry in the U.S. Midwest: Can hazelnuts transform farming?

Getting hands-on with pollination can boost cocoa yields, study shows

The beloved Hawaiian honeycreeper birds are at risk of extinction from avian malaria

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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