16 stories

On a São Paulo eco-farm, Brazil’s landless movement makes its case for occupation

Study shows degradation changes a forest’s tree profile and its carbon storage

Hopes and fears for the Amazon: Interview with botanist Hans ter Steege

New conservation model calls for protecting Amazon for its archaeological riches

Environmental protests under attack: Interview with UN special rapporteur Michel Forst

In Brazil, half a century of salt mining sinks a city, displacing thousands

A short walk through Amazon time: Interview with archaeologist Anna Roosevelt

The Amazon’s archaeology of hope: Q&A with anthropologist Michael Heckenberger

‘Many features of the Amazon are man-made’: Q&A with archaeologist Eduardo Neves

For Dutch farming crisis, agroforestry offers solutions: Q&A with Lennart Fuchs & Marc Buiter

U.N. report calls for the ban of mercury trade and its use in gold mining

At 30, Brazil’s Yanomami reserve is beset by mining, malaria and mercury

‘Amazônia must live on’: Photographer Sebastião Salgado returns home with his new book

Long entrenched Brazilian military mindset is key to Amazon policy: Expert

Life as an Amazon activist: ‘I don’t want to be the next Dorothy Stang’

Kafka in the Amazon: Volunteer forest fire fighter charged with arson still in limbo

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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