695 stories

Hunting, agriculture driving rapid decline of jaguars in South America’s Gran Chaco

Pasture expansion driving deforestation in Brazilian protected area

How an African bat might help us prevent future Ebola outbreaks

How the social sciences can help conservationists save species

Criminalization and violence increasingly used to silence indigenous protest, according to UN report

The ‘Godfather of Biodiversity’ on why it’s time to manage Earth as a system

Q&A: Esther Mwangi on why voices of local community members will be featured at GLF Africa conference

The superb mimicry skills of an Australian songbird

Camera trap videos help protect biodiversity of Bigal River Biological Reserve in Ecuador

Beavers matter more than you think

Researchers are looking into the past to help ensure a future for tropical forests

Shadow companies and the Indonesian land crisis

How a better understanding of psychopathology in captive primates can aid in conservation efforts

Extractive industries threaten a million square kilometers of intact tropical forests around the globe

How to use drones without stressing wildlife

New research calculates full carbon cost of oil palm cultivation in Indonesia’s forests

Payments for ecosystem services can boost social capital in addition to forest management: Study

‘Saving the rainforest 2.0:’ New report makes recommendations for improving forest protection

‘Urban Raptors’: Q&A with authors of book on ecology and conservation of city-dwelling birds of prey

Nature retention, not just protection, crucial to maintaining biodiversity and ecosystems: Scientists

The dialogue between science and indigenous knowledge

Renowned wildlife conservationist Russell Mittermeier awarded 2018 Indianapolis Prize

How soundscapes are helping us better understand animal behavior and landscape ecology

Mexico’s ejidos are finding greater sustainability by involving youth and women

Norwegian government report sharply critical of funding for tropical forest conservation

Mexico’s ejidos find sustainability by including women and youth

Researchers propose framework for designing PES programs that better deliver socioeconomic benefits

Roads might pose even bigger threat to Southeast Asian forests, biodiversity than previously understood

Lessons for developing countries in expansion of Madagascar’s protected area network

Sylvia Earle on why we must act now to save the oceans

Six new peeping frogs discovered in western Mexico

Seabird secrets revealed by bioacoustics in New Zealand

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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