3239 stories

Pollinator declines linked to half million early human deaths annually: Study

Re-carbonizing the sea: Scientists to start testing a big ocean carbon idea

Sumatran tiger arrives at Tacoma captive-breeding program

Climate change is hammering insects — in the tropics and everywhere else: Scientists

Amid conflict and chaos, a reforestation project surges ahead in Haiti

Meet the Millennium Forest: A unique tropical island reforestation project

Trouble in the tropics: The terrestrial insects of Brazil are in decline

New estimate of less than 50 Sumatran rhinos shows perilous population drop

Geoengineering Earth’s climate future: Straight talk with Wake Smith

Elephant protector and fossil hunter Richard Leakey leaves outsized legacy in Kenya

Tom Lovejoy’s enduring legacy to the planet

E.O. Wilson’s last dream

Meet the kitten-sized, clown-faced monkey that’s leaping toward extinction

The Covid-19 question: How do we prevent future pandemics?

One year on: Insects still in peril as world struggles with global pandemic

Conservationists replant legal palm oil plantation with forest in Borneo

The best news of 2020? Humanity may never hit the 10 billion mark

How do we save charisma-challenged species? Start with a story

Why are some endangered species ignored?

‘Every tool in the box’ to save Sumatran rhinos: Q&A with Nina Fascione of IRF

Bold project hopes to DNA barcode every species in Costa Rica

Overworked, underpaid and lonely: Conservationists find a new community online

Killing gods: The last hope for the world’s rarest reptile

Time is running out for Southeast Asia

Scientists rediscover mammalian oddity in remote Vietnam

How Laos lost its tigers

Why is Europe rewilding with water buffalo?

The wolf of Bangladesh: A true story

When it comes to captive breeding, not all Sumatran rhinos are equal

The ambitious plan to recover and rewild the feisty, dwarf cow

National parks: Serving humanity’s well-being as much as nature’s

Mongabay investigative series helps confirm global insect decline

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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