16 stories

River dredging in Bangladesh: Investigation shows government claims don’t add up

Bangladeshi farmers find zucchini’s high yields & low costs palatable

In Bangladesh, olive ridley turtles break 4-year record with 53% increase in eggs

Despite investment in conservation, Bengal tigers still struggling in Bangladesh

Herbicide used in Bangladesh tea production threatens biodiversity & health

In Bangladesh, sunflower grows where other crops don’t amid increasing salinity

Prevention is best defense against Bangladesh crop diseases, researchers say

Bangladesh survey records invasive alien plants threatening protected forests

Seaweed: The untapped economic potential for Bangladesh

Court order fails to stop poison fishing in Bangladesh Sundarbans

As Bangladesh’s crab fishery booms, its wild stocks suffer the fallout

Bangladesh orchid losses signal ecological imbalance, researchers say

Bangladesh ramps up freshwater fish conservation in bid for food security

Bangladesh’s new red list of plants shows country has already lost seven species

In Bangladesh, microplastic threat to frogs is also concern for rice farming

Record year for olive ridley turtles in Bangladesh as conservation work pays off

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