127 stories

In ‘The Battle for Laikipia,’ the human face of resource conflict in Kenya

In the drylands of northern Kenya, a ‘summer school’ for young researchers

Pastoralists know every landscape has a history: Interview with Gufu Oba

Across the world, conservation projects reel after abrupt US funding cuts

How illicit mining fuels violence in eastern DRC: Interview with Jean-Pierre Okenda

Kenyan court orders two community wildlife conservancies shut down

World Bank cancels $150m tourism project in Tanzania after abuse claims

African Parks closes deal to manage Ethiopia’s Gambella National Park

For Ugandan farmers, good fences make good neighbors — of elephants

Park rangers enforce deadly violence in Uganda

‘Killed while poaching’: When wildlife enforcement blurs into violence

‘Like you, I fear the demise of the elephants’

Progress on rights complaint systems in Congo Basin but more needed, says group

Can cattle and wildlife co-exist in the Maasai Mara? A controversial study says yes

US govt watchdog: Human rights still at risk in overseas conservation aid

Trained to stop poaching, Benin park rangers instead face jihadists

Troubled rubber plantation in Liberia shuts down after labor unrest

To protect the planet’s rangelands, give pastoralists a boost, UN report says

‘Non-market’ solutions to deforestation need more support, advocates say

Setback for Guinea mine that threatens World Heritage chimp reserve

Liberia puts a wartime logger in charge of its forests

In Liberia, a former mining activist gets the bully pulpit

In climate-related flooding, a Ugandan river turns poisonous

Climate change brings a river’s wrath down on western Uganda

African Parks vows to investigate allegations of abuse at Congolese park

Can carbon markets solve Africa’s climate finance woes?

World Bank accused of supporting evictions, rights abuses at Tanzanian park

The Dutch farmers’ protests of 2022: A Mongabay Series

In the clash over Dutch farming, Europe’s future arrives

In the Netherlands, pitchforks fly for an empire of cows

How manure blew up the Netherlands

Getting the bread: What’s the environmental impact of wheat?

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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